Monday, April 19, 2010

How to enable attachments in flexfield valueset value form?

1. Get the form function for flexfield value set value form:
N--> Application Developer--> Application--> Function
FND_FNDFFMSV is the function name for Flexfield valueset value form.

2. Create a Document Entity:
N--> Application Developer--> Attachments--> Document Entities
Entity Name: - "Any Name"
Prompt: - "Any Prompt"
Application: - Application Object Library

3. Create Attachment Function:
N--> Application Developer--> Attachments--> Attachment Functions
Type: - Function
User Name: - Flexfield Values
Enabled: - Yes

Remember FND_FNDFFMSV is the form function name which we queried from Step1

After entering above details click on "Blocks" button. This will take you to block declaration screen. Give the block name, for which the attachments needs to be enabled.

Block Name: - VALUE
Method: - Allow Method

VALUE is the name of block in flex value form

Click on "Entities" button after entering above details. This will navigate to the Entity Declaration screen, here give the entity name created on step 2
Entity: - Name given on Step2
Display Method: - Main Entity
Include in Indicator: - Yes

After defining those, navigate to Primary Key Fields and define keys for capturing in PK1_value and PK2_value of fnd_attached_documents table.
we can give flex_value_set_id and flex_value_id for these 2 columns.
Key1: - VSET.flex_value_set_id
Key2: - VALUE.flex_value_id

Now, you can navigate to Application Developer--> Application--> Validattion--> Values to see the attachment feature enabled for all the flex values.

This is the method, you have to use for enabling attachments on any form.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pinaaki,

    Its a very good initiative.

    I appreciate your good work.



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